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Directors and executives must understand, the only purpose of a business is to earn and keep customers, as management guru Peter Drucker famously said. They must recognise the only way to do that is to create customer value. Everything else, including profits, shareholder value and the market value, are byproducts and should never be the focus. 

Systems, structures, resource allocation and all other functions must be lead and organised to achieve high levels of congruence. This requires a leadership team that understands what value the business creates, for whom and how. They must also be capable of ensuring the whole functions cooperative and collaborative to achieve high levels of congruence. And continuous change, as the firm seeks to add new sources of customer value, has to be managed. The leadership team needs to maintain a customer value focused culture to achieve this.   

This is the topic of a keynote speech, a workshop and a course offered by BE Advisory experts. They are offered publicly on an open enrolment basis and privately, in-company, for businesses or organisations. For future dates see events and courses in the news section. For private enquiries contact us to discuss your needs.

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