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In October 2019, consulting firm Bain published the UK customer survey report. It found, just 10% of brands excel at customer experience, and "the top 10% have their own recipe for success" - a fact that casts doubt on the wisdom of bench marking we suggest. Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain, seems to agree. He warned, it is easy to "fall into the trap of treating the score as the objective", when "the goal is to increase the number of customer lives you enrich on a sustainable basis". 


BE Advisory suggest enriching customers lives, a good objective for customer value creation, is achieved by dimensions of customer value creation that extend well beyond customer experience, or the limited criteria used to benchmark it. A business needs a comprehensive understanding of what value it creates, who for and how. This can be achieved by designing a value Scheme.


This is the topic of a keynote speech, a workshop and a course offered by BE Advisory experts. They are offered publicly on an open enrolment basis and privately, in-company, for businesses or organisations. For future dates see events and courses in the news section. For private enquiries contact us to discuss your needs.

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