Be Advisory, in association with the Strategic Management Forum, is offering a series of workshops on the themes explored in the one-day workshop Undaunted: How Successful leaders face up to wicked problems. There are ten key themes are:
1. Understand why problems seem daunting
2. How to stop being daunted
3. How to thrive on change
4. Introducing Valueism: principles & practices
5. Designing & implementing a value scheme
6. Organise for value creation
7. Lead change with a focus on value creation
8. Establish & maintain a value creation culture
9. Innovate to sustain value creation
10. Becoming a Valueist
Each half-day workshop will be delivered as both a public open enrolment event and as a private in-company event. They can be booked individually or as a series. The public workshops are £195 each or 10 for for £1,695 (a saving of £300) payable in 10 instalments, or £1,495 (a saving of £500) as one upfront payment. .
Past delegates on the one-day course will be offered the 10 workshops at a price of £1,495 (a saving of £500) over 10 instalments, or £1,295 (a saving of £700) as one upfront payment.
Additionally, book for 2 or more workshops and get 50% discount on an annual Strategic Management Forum membership (saving up to £125). Book 5 or more and get a free Annual Membership (saving up to £250).
For details of the next workshop dates, or to enquire about an in-company programme: contact@beadvisory.com